Snowflake - American Sport Pony / Appaloosa
SOLD! Congratulations Corrinna!
SNOWFLAKE is the barn favorite, he loves to clown around for attention! A VERY talented Jumper. Honest, Willing w/ tons of scope. Students jump up to 3 feet Steady on the aids for Dressage. Not spookey on the roadside/trail. Safe to ride in a group; front, middle, or back, always a gentleman. Versatile... he recalls his original Western training. Very charismatic personality! Trailers, stands well for the farrier. Up to date on shoeing, shots, worming.
Watch a video now!
Breed: American Sport Pony / Appaloosa
Date Foaled: MAY 2000
Gender: Gelding
Height: 14.1 hh
Weight: 900 pounds
Color: Chestnut w/ WHITE SNOWFLAKES all along topline
May Trade: Yes
For Lease: No
For Sale: $5,000
Horse Skills or Potential:
Pony Club
Contact Cici today & set-up a time to check out Snowflake! (206) 463-9828
SNOWFLAKE is the barn favorite, he loves to clown around for attention! A VERY talented Jumper. Honest, Willing w/ tons of scope. Students jump up to 3 feet Steady on the aids for Dressage. Not spookey on the roadside/trail. Safe to ride in a group; front, middle, or back, always a gentleman. Versatile... he recalls his original Western training. Very charismatic personality! Trailers, stands well for the farrier. Up to date on shoeing, shots, worming.
Watch a video now!
Breed: American Sport Pony / Appaloosa
Date Foaled: MAY 2000
Gender: Gelding
Height: 14.1 hh
Weight: 900 pounds
Color: Chestnut w/ WHITE SNOWFLAKES all along topline
May Trade: Yes
For Lease: No
For Sale: $5,000
Horse Skills or Potential:
Pony Club
Contact Cici today & set-up a time to check out Snowflake! (206) 463-9828